Welcome to the Brain Garden and Pulse!

Take a stroll through the Brain Garden

Discover new ways to maximize your mind and your health...

Welcome to the Brain Garden,
where individual minds matter;
in the Brain Garden we raise consciousness.

The Brain Garden is a total lifestyle company focused on mental and physical performance through a Whole Foods--Whole Learning--Whole Living philosophy. Our message is a blend of cutting-edge research and proven ancient wisdom and methods.

  • WHOLE FOODS. We promote an appreciation for earth's bounties and encourage eating fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and grains. Our line of whole-food snacks and meal replacements will make snacking from Nature's Table convenient and enjoyable for you and your family, reducing or eliminating the need for nutritional supplements.
  • WHOLE LEARNING. You can learn faster and unlock mind power you didn't know you had. Whole Learning occurs when interest, imagination, and information come together. We have interactive programs that will help you create a "home-learning environment" for your family. We are creating a wide range of exciting Whole Learning programs for learners of all ages.
  • WHOLE LIVING. We promote natural, balanced, abundant living. We will bring you personal development and life-balancing programs to help you and your loved ones experience life more abundantly. And we have created an all-natural, chemical-free line of products (made primarily from whole foods and essential oils) to enhance the daily rituals of personal care.

Finally, we provide a tremendous and rewarding opportunity for you to create a new earning stream by sharing your discoveries with the rest of the world.

Welcome home to nature's table. Enjoy...

The American Medical Association, Surgeon General, American Heart Foundation, American Lung Association, and the Cancer Society all agree that the only thing that for certain affects the diminishing of disease and the promotion of health besides exercise and water is getting five servings of fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes daily. Eating and snacking on Pulse does this.

Business Opportunity- Imagine Your Products Paid For. You can earn your own food for FREE! The Brain Garden has been uniquely designed to support your personal supply of Pulse and other fine Brain Garden Products in as little as two months. If you would like more information, please call 602-873-8080 and leave your name and address for more information.

Order Toll Free at: 1-800-984-2263
Independent Brain Garden Player #25364

Email at braingarden@usa.net

Brain Garden Organic Whole Foods


Sweet Pulse
Parched Pulse
Brain Grain
Tooth Powder


BRAIN GARDEN Lecture Schedule


Distributor#: 25364